mercoledì 7 gennaio 2009

MacroFire 2.4.1, Regolare sensibilità dell'analogico

Questo programma oltre a regolare la sensibilità dell'analogico, qualora non vi funzionasse correttamente o vi desse dei problemi, vi permette di rimappare il joystick assegnando ai vari tasti una funzione diversa.


The following files are included with the ms0: / seplugins copies.


Then, ms0: / seplugins in


Add the following in their path.

ms0: / seplugins / macrofire.prx

If these files do not exist, please create.
After going to write RIKABARIMODO, Plugins item
Where the plug-in needed to Enabled.

However, VSH on "Internet browser" in the works is limited, and macro functions Rensha function does not work.
This is to address the concerns that they were offensive to other sites that mock these capabilities,
We want to ease the restrictions and measures.

The sample configuration file folder remap the re-set button assignments,
Remap settings menu is actually read from the configuration file.
MacroFire to run, this folder is not required.

analog_to_dpad.ini key is assigned to cross the analog stick,
dpad_to_analog.ini assigns to cross key analog stick.

Download -MacroFire 2.4.1

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